Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

coratcoret hari ini- JeLEB!

29 Desember 2011

hem pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puja dan puji *loh #berasa-mc

hem hari ini gue jalan oleh segelintir *?whateva
nah gue tuh main aja sama adenya salah satu temen gue, dan dari yg nganterin pipis beli minuman dsbg yakan

and you know what?
My boyfriend is furious, because I go with the people of the past,
I have permission from him, yeah I know, he is jealous of me, along the way I am with another friend, I am very sad, especially with a message that he says on my via mobile phone, it's one of my friend told me, that he's not good to invite me because he found out that my boyfriend mad at me.
Yes I'm very sad because he was angry at me would be leaving I played today, I feel very guilty, I've already said I'm sorry for him, but he still felt disappointed me, even I've promised not to repeat it, I'm afraid he is going to leave me

Rafdi, im so sorry, and I've promised not to repeat it

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